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Free Design Programs - Online calculation Bulk Handling Global - Bulk Solids Flow Solutions.


Bulk Handling Global takes pride in providing leading edge global engineering solutions to its customers in the bulk materials handling industry. Our technology incorporates the best techniques suitable for local industry conditions, and we also have well established partnerships with specialist international companies.

Our leading technology partners include:

Shear- Test. Split Rotational Shear Testers and bulk solids and powder flow properties testing services.

Siloprojekt. Specialist designers and manufacturers of silos, blending silos and treatment silos.

We are always on the lookout to develop relationships with other companies who have technology in the bulk handling industry that are a cut above the rest. Our business development is on the increase, and we are looking to further expand. If you are in the bulk handling industry, no matter where you are, if you can see the benefit of a partnership and our ability, send us an e-mail.